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Tips for middle class education that does not know how to teach to fight

Teach your daughters and sons to catch buses early, first with you, then alone. They will need it one day as a teenager or adult, and even if you are very rich and think you will not need it, there is no way to be sure. If they have never walked, they will tend to be dumb, unwise and more likely to be robbed or run over.

Teach your sons and daughters to walk, because one only learns to cross streets by walking. Bike just for recreation, with you carrying the bag and your suitcase ramp up, it will not do you good. Little brats and brats need to know how to get back and forth. Carrying their little hats, little dolls and trolleys is part of the mission: mom and dad are not hangers.

Teach your daughters and sons from babies to peel bananas, little ones should know how to eat an apple without being bitten, learn how to squeeze a juice in the muq, use a fork and knife, put laundry in the basket, wash, dry and store dishes. So there will not be suitcases at your aunt's house on pajama day. At least.

Teach your teenage sons and daughters to wash their own pair of sneakers, wash, hang, collect and fold clothes, cook something basic, change lamps and shower resistance.

Teach this may not be pleasurable like taking an ice cream or playing on the cell phone, but it is important and necessary. Teach your daughters and sons how to plant, harvest, and understand the difference between a lettuce foot and a cabbage stand. You may not believe it, but for lack of basic teachings a lot of children are created thinking that milk is a product that is born in boxes. This is not funny, it's an involutive side effect of our time.

Do not fear the fire, the stove, the kettle in the hands of poor people. If you do not teach, they will do a lot of nonsense and will burn. To educate is to rely on their abilities and intelligence. It is showing dangers and teaching to deal with dangers.

Educate your children for life, for skills. Pleasure does not need to be taught, it is a benefit, a privilege. Having a maid at home should not be seen and felt as someone who comes home, almost a "thing" a "human object" to clean and organize without stopping.

These are not moralistic hints. Educating for solidarity is an act of selfishness and nothing poetic. By teaching children basic survival skills, we are building trust and capacity, self-esteem, a sense of duty and responsibility.

Avoid producing and multiplying people who will one day be bored, pampered adults who will forever find that they have come into the world for a walk, without the slightest notion of resilience, unable to take care of themselves and others if they multiply lazily.

Life can be beautiful, life may not be hard for heirs, but it will always, from any of us, take firm and strong will. This is not born, depends on adversities and fight for survival and has nothing to do with the ability to push a button or slide the thumbs on the Iphone.

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