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9 Tips For A Good Power Point Presentation

These tips for a good Power Point presentation will help you turn boring and inefficient presentations into attractive and memorable ones.

Making presentations in Power Point is for some a necessary evil, for others a nightmare. The reality is that both in the educational and work environment, this tool is almost ubiquitous and it is essential to know how to use it. Learn how to enhance your presentations with these 10 tips:

1. Take care of the design of your presentation Never underestimate the power of aesthetics when designing your presentation. Although the content is wonderful, if the slides are visually annoying you are likely to lose the attention of the audience.

Choose simple and neutral backgrounds so as not to affect the readability of the text. Avoid "clip-art" -picture- like the plague. As for typography, it is convenient to choose the "sans-serif" (without serif), such as Arial, Helvetica or Verdana, and unless you are very skilled in graphic design, do not mix several sources. First of all, maintain a visual coherence throughout the presentation.

2. In a presentation, less is more Do you know the saying "good, if brief, twice good"? Guy Kawasaki, expert in marketing and advertising, recommends sticking to the rule of "10/20/30" : the presentation must have no more than 10 slides, do not exceed 20 minutes and not contain fonts with a body smaller than 30 Search at all times how to simplify the information and relieve the slide of unnecessary elements.

3. Align the elements A harmonious presentation favors understanding and concentration. Something as simple as aligning the elements with each other will make the information more fluid.

4. Do not transcribe, illustrate your presentation The audience can not read and listen to you at the same time. Remember this the next time you want to include a block of text on a slide. With a simple headline and an image that illustrates the concept is enough. Above all, avoid reading text directly from the screen, this bores and shows a lack of confidence in your own ability to transmit ideas.

5. Visual contact: the key to a good presentation Make sure you look at your audience and do not look at the ceiling, the floor or the screen. This position strips you of all persuasive power and shows that you do not have enough security in what you say. If you are seeing many people, choose three or four and alternate the visual contact between them.

6. Practice what you are going to say Although it seems obvious, this is a step that most people put aside. Practicing in front of a mirror or someone you trust will diminish your nerves and the possibility of forgetting or mistakes.

7. The day of the presentation, arrive early Make sure you arrive with enough time to prepare the necessary connections for the projection, avoiding bad moments at the last moment.

8. Project your voice That your voice is heard well is a basic factor for a successful presentation. This does not mean that you should scream. Just keep a good posture, let your voice resonate in your lungs and vocalize the words at such a speed that the audience can hear and understand what you say.

9. Tell stories: a good resource when making a presentation One characteristic of the great speakers is that they know how to illustrate their ideas with jokes, anecdotes or small stories instead of reciting the hard information. It shows being passionate about what you say. An entertaining and entertaining presentation will be exponentially more memorable than one that shows no passion or humor of any kind.

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