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9 Questions To Ask The University Before Applying

Do not know what to say when requesting information in a house of studies? Do not lose such a valuable opportunity! Below we tell you the most important aspects to take into account when selecting an educational abroad .

But ... What should you ask?

It is easy to request information about the scholarship opportunities they offer. However, hundreds of interested parties do the same and your message will not stand out. The more original and personalized the question, the more impact it will have on the staff in charge of reading and responding, impacted by receiving something different from what they normally see.

Here we will give you some ideas to excel when it comes to researching in any university :

Where can I live?

What accommodation options does the institution offer? Are lodging alternatives available on or off campus? What are the costs and what does it include? Am I guaranteed a place to live during my first year of studies? Do they provide help to get a room outside of university facilities?

How is the international student body? What's the international student body like?

What is the proportion of foreign students enrolled? Where do these students come from? Are there many students from my own country? If the answer is affirmative, are there clubs or societies formed by these students?

How is the course taught?

Is the educational system based on classes, laboratory work or seminars? What is the structure of a normal class / seminar? Does each student work individually or in groups? How many hours should I be on campus each week? Are face-to-face meetings held with the professors in their offices?

What would you study specifically on a course?

Can I get specific details of the study material, for example authors or established cases? How much depth should I expect? Will I choose the study modules? Is there a mandatory core curriculum for all students?

What have the graduates of this course done?

Does the university have a notable alumni in my field of study? Maybe a famous celebrity? In which companies or organizations are these graduates working, to apply after receiving my degree? Could you get work experience with one of those companies or next to one of those people? Are there unusual paths that graduates have gone through that might not be obvious?

What should I study if I later want to continue towards the next academic level?

If I have aspirations to do a postgraduate or a higher level, what should I study before (for example, at the undergraduate level)? What courses does the university offer that allow me to meet my goal? Does the institution have programs on the way to postgraduate or pre-master's degrees?

Can you confirm the deadline for my application for admission?

When does the registration process end? Does it have different dates according to the country of origin of each candidate? What are the deadlines to apply for a scholarship for the course that interests me? What do I need to carry out this process?

How does the area where the university looks look? 'What's the local area like?'

What are the reasons for deciding to study in that region? What are the main attractions? What is nightlife like? How easy is it to travel in public transport services? Is it a student city, or is it a mixture of ages and backgrounds?

Does the university have assistance programs for recent graduates seeking employment? 'How can the university help find me employment after I complete my course?'

Does the school have partnerships with local, national and / or international industries? Is any related to the study area of ​​your choice? Is there a career or service department on campus? Does the institution offer opportunities to obtain work experience or internships as part of the study plan?

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